The Product
Electrical protection against surges and transients that improve your company's productivity.
There are countless electrical losses caused by poor quality of energy consumed in homes, businesses and rural areas. These problems arise from external factors that are beyond our control and are harmful to the electrical grid, such as maneuvers in the energy distribution system, the activation of motors and load switching.
We see this scenario intensify even more during rainy periods, with the high number of atmospheric discharges that cause electrical damage. Brazil is one of the countries with a high incidence of lightning, which is why it is so common to come across power blinks (momentary failures) followed by immediate losses of electrical and electronic products that cause economic losses.
This worrying situation led ANEEL, the National Electric Energy Agency, and other experts to recommend disconnecting these devices directly from the socket, regardless of whether the electrical network has the protection indicated by the standard.
To mitigate this wear and tear, we created the Master Block, a suppressor against surges and transients in the electrical network. The solution provides high-performance protection, with levels above market DPS. In this way, we eliminate the incidence of electrical damage in your network, reliably preserving electronics and the activities that depend on them.
This solution allows your products to acquire a value greater than the acquisition cost, as they perform activities that generate losses when stopped due to electrical damage.
Check out the testimonials from our customers who confirm these benefits with impressive reports on the reduction in costs related to appliance burnouts.
Master Block works to protect sensitive equipment electrically, preventing sudden burns linked to voltage spikes, through the following features:
- Transient suppressor, reducing equipment burnout due to existing switching in electrical installations
- DV/DT limiter above 50V, mitigating internal equipment failures due to the fact that the Master Block suppresses DV/DT
- DPS - Surge suppressor, reducing the burning of equipment due to atmospheric discharges that are connected to electrical installations
- Harmonic filter at 100 kHZ, attenuating the DV/DTs that are generated during load switching
The Master Block has a specific grounding system to perform its functions.
The Master Block is installed in parallel to low voltage power distribution boards. Its installation is simple, quick and does not require any structural changes, and is recommended for Group B consumers – small industries and residential, commercial and rural installations.